Good God almighty, I feel like I just slept through World War One, static alliances, entrenched positions, poison gas and all.

I am very, very, very sorry to see Zarth go. When I was making the blog rounds rounds just now, I felt his absence the way you feel the absence of a pulled tooth when you run your tongue through your mouth. No big deal until you notice it, then a blank spot you can't stop returning to. But, and forgive me for saying this, it seems like he was in the thick of every flame war that's been going on here for months. I guess his enmity just caught up with him. As important as his presence here was to me, it seems like this might be a good thing for him in the long run. From some of his journal entries it seemed like his outside life could use a little maintenance.
Anyway, what the hell do I know about it. I'm just sad to see him go is all.
Things are going pretty well for me these days. I drastically scaled back my course load and that's helped me focus on the classes I'm taking. I've also really started to settle in to my place here at the new school and amongst the friends I've made.
My dad was home from the Caribbean for the weekend so I drove back to upstate NY. I bought a pair of .22 rifles a couple weeks ago and my dad, my best friend and I shot the hell out of some beer cans. We did a little snow shoeing, too. There was also a contra dance festival in town, so my buddy and I got to do a little banjo playing with some old time musicians in town for that. We met a women who was playing a banjo made by one of my old banjo teachers, so that was kind of neat.
Anyway, my best to you all. Hope your outside lives have been more tranquil than your internet lives.
I forgot to mention the most exciting thing. I got to see the Magnetic Fields live in North Hampton, MA last week. It was amazing. It took me six hours round trip to get there, in a blizzard no less, but it was 100% worth it thanks to my new snow tires. They played the whole show acoustic. It was really cool to hear the stuff off the new album (which is called Distortion and lives up to its name) played on the bouzouki, And they were very personable. At one point the ladies in the band started spontaneously singing Nancy Griffith songs, much to everyone's surprise. And Stephin Merritt is a tiny, tiny man. He sits on a bar stool when he's up on stage so he looks normal, but when he gets down you see that he's really like three feet tall.
I also forgot to mention I had the craziest dream last night. I fell asleep with the Descent dvd in. After the movie ended it cut to the menu and started playing the creepy trogloditic sounds the monsters make. I incorporated that sound into my dream. I dreamt I was walking with my father down some sort of covered pier. It was fairly busy and commercial like that pier in San Francisco. We found a lady who had a hive of bumble bees producing honey into some sort of plastic frame. I hear you saying "but, bumble bees don't form hives or much honey." Well, the plastic frame and special breeding was somehow designed to encourage both these behaviors. They were not healthy bees, however. Their elongated limbs kept getting stuck in the honey and breaking off. It was not healthy either. It was simultaneously thicker and less sweet then it should have been and it was a little like vaseline going down. The woman was not healthy either. She had syphilitic sores all over her face and she kept making the clicking sounds of the troglodytes from the movie. I woke up in a mild state of alarm.

I am very, very, very sorry to see Zarth go. When I was making the blog rounds rounds just now, I felt his absence the way you feel the absence of a pulled tooth when you run your tongue through your mouth. No big deal until you notice it, then a blank spot you can't stop returning to. But, and forgive me for saying this, it seems like he was in the thick of every flame war that's been going on here for months. I guess his enmity just caught up with him. As important as his presence here was to me, it seems like this might be a good thing for him in the long run. From some of his journal entries it seemed like his outside life could use a little maintenance.
Anyway, what the hell do I know about it. I'm just sad to see him go is all.
Things are going pretty well for me these days. I drastically scaled back my course load and that's helped me focus on the classes I'm taking. I've also really started to settle in to my place here at the new school and amongst the friends I've made.
My dad was home from the Caribbean for the weekend so I drove back to upstate NY. I bought a pair of .22 rifles a couple weeks ago and my dad, my best friend and I shot the hell out of some beer cans. We did a little snow shoeing, too. There was also a contra dance festival in town, so my buddy and I got to do a little banjo playing with some old time musicians in town for that. We met a women who was playing a banjo made by one of my old banjo teachers, so that was kind of neat.
Anyway, my best to you all. Hope your outside lives have been more tranquil than your internet lives.
I forgot to mention the most exciting thing. I got to see the Magnetic Fields live in North Hampton, MA last week. It was amazing. It took me six hours round trip to get there, in a blizzard no less, but it was 100% worth it thanks to my new snow tires. They played the whole show acoustic. It was really cool to hear the stuff off the new album (which is called Distortion and lives up to its name) played on the bouzouki, And they were very personable. At one point the ladies in the band started spontaneously singing Nancy Griffith songs, much to everyone's surprise. And Stephin Merritt is a tiny, tiny man. He sits on a bar stool when he's up on stage so he looks normal, but when he gets down you see that he's really like three feet tall.
I also forgot to mention I had the craziest dream last night. I fell asleep with the Descent dvd in. After the movie ended it cut to the menu and started playing the creepy trogloditic sounds the monsters make. I incorporated that sound into my dream. I dreamt I was walking with my father down some sort of covered pier. It was fairly busy and commercial like that pier in San Francisco. We found a lady who had a hive of bumble bees producing honey into some sort of plastic frame. I hear you saying "but, bumble bees don't form hives or much honey." Well, the plastic frame and special breeding was somehow designed to encourage both these behaviors. They were not healthy bees, however. Their elongated limbs kept getting stuck in the honey and breaking off. It was not healthy either. It was simultaneously thicker and less sweet then it should have been and it was a little like vaseline going down. The woman was not healthy either. She had syphilitic sores all over her face and she kept making the clicking sounds of the troglodytes from the movie. I woke up in a mild state of alarm.