What shall I do when my lord's at the window
What shall I do when my lord's at the door
What shall I do when my lord comes a'calling
trailing the earth from his grave on the floor?
What shall I do when my lord's at the door
What shall I do when my lord comes a'calling
trailing the earth from his grave on the floor?
I really like the Acid line. I'm not exactly a connoisseur. And a real cigar enthusiast might be offended. They are sweet is the first distinction. It fades out as you smoke, like it's not IN the tobacco. It's like they dip them in sugar cane water or something. But the tobacco is also blended with some herbs and essential oils. They aren't anything like the cheesy hippy herbal ciggarettess or anything. They still are distinctly a cigar, but it does make them a bit different. I think in a great way, but like I said, . . . not a connoisseur.
There is one in the line that's not "infused" (as they call it) it is labeled The One. But that one, the tobacco is cured in different red wines.
Haven't tried that yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Snow. I miss it, but about half an hour of shoveling would cure that.
I haven't heard anything of theirs since 'All Around My Hat', IIRC; but Below The Salt and Commoners Crown were the first folk music I heard (apart from The Weavers; who do count