I was doing a fairly random image search this morning (I was looking for 'flowers of the forest'), and I came upon this picture. I thought it was pretty hilarious. In the 'The Lady of Shallot is about to die and you're telling her to have a magic day' way.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 01, 2007
I think this video is pretty great: Maybe a little naive, but maybe … -
Monday May 28, 2007
I had a pretty fantastic birthday weekend. The good thing about havi… -
Friday May 25, 2007
I made it! I stayed in a cheap hotel in Minnesota, and then with my … -
Monday May 21, 2007
I'm in Miles City, Montana tonight. I didn't get as far as I would h… -
Friday May 18, 2007
So, I'm done with law school for the time being. Good enough for me.… -
Thursday May 10, 2007
I've got my last exam at 8:30 in the morning. I don't feel good abou… -
Sunday Apr 22, 2007
Finals coming up. If I haven't been around much it's only because I'… -
Tuesday Apr 10, 2007
Motherfuckin grrrrrrrrrrr....... If I see that "you can't get to S…
A bleak humour, but mine own.