It is World Vegan Day tommorow. I think my work should give me the day off to celebrate, but they probably wont. The bastards! Anyways, heres showing some love to all my fellow Vegans!
I am currently reading a book called "The Peculiar Memories Of Thomas Penman", by Bruce Robinson who also wrote the very funny film "Withnail and I" It is a fucking brilliiant book, and it mainly revolves around an incontinent 14 year old and his Porn obsessed Grandfather. It manages to be both (very) dark comedy and extremely touching at the same time, and I would most strongly recomend it (well, to anyone who is as sick as I am, anyways!)

I am currently reading a book called "The Peculiar Memories Of Thomas Penman", by Bruce Robinson who also wrote the very funny film "Withnail and I" It is a fucking brilliiant book, and it mainly revolves around an incontinent 14 year old and his Porn obsessed Grandfather. It manages to be both (very) dark comedy and extremely touching at the same time, and I would most strongly recomend it (well, to anyone who is as sick as I am, anyways!)
well, eating meat would seem to prevent a person from describing themselves as Vegan. I stopped eating meat when I was little kid though, so I cant relate, that said, I live upstairs from a kebab shop, and I know that people seem to love eating those, but I cant think why! But the kebab shop is next to a pub, so that may account for a lot of their trade!
heyo fellow vegan! living upstairs of a kebab must suck....hope at least they have yummy falafels as well....but i would hate the smell...
anyway if i ever end up being a tattoo artist you have ur wings in ur back for free....i keep my word...though u mite have to travel to wherever i am next year....not stayin in london for too long ive decided...that book ure reading sounds interesting...i spend my free time here or drawing...cant get myself to start a book these days....