My ex and my sister are at the Spring Racing Carnival together. I think it's really cool that they've been so close lately, cos my sis needs more close friends here (as opposed to from her now dispersed boarding school class), and it can only increase my ex's loyalty to me (which is good, cos she did some really bitchy things while I was overseas)....
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I was going to resist the tempation to reactivate my SG membership, but when Missy sent me an e-mail containing a very special offer, I caved.

So I'm back, and I feel great about it.

Feel alright about being back in the country, too, I guess. I just took a three month trip around Europe, and had an incredible time. So much so that I...
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Fuck to bad your in australia I need mushies frown sigh....
So, I want to join a group that requires me to have an active journal.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to bow down to those facists. So I'm going to write a short entry on my appreciation of larger women.

You see, I like girls of all shapes and sizes. The smallest of skinny girls are especially fun in bed... the ability...
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It's the models of PSW who choose to keep the group private, and require that pending members first have an active journal before joining our group. We are not facists. just women who enjoy the attention of admirers, and also enjoy knowing we can make friends with said admirers. If you're not active on the site, how on earth can we get to know you?

Because your entry seems sincere, I'll allow you to join. but be aware that any beef/negativity with any of the current models or members must be handled outside of the group. PSW is not the place for drama, it's a place of peace, love, and hot naked fat chicks. Welcome, and enjoy.
well said!! *applauds* you even managed to get me tingly!!!