I spoke to my friend Hugh today about this concept that he shat out some time ago when we were still in college. I want to design a t-shirt based upon that and at least make copies for him, myself, and any of our friends that might be interested in such a t-shirt. So, Hugh and I tossed some ideas about. I'll be drawing the basics out and photoshopping a few variations of so we can decide on a final model. We might even try to shop them around once they're done and I've taken some time to protect the intellectual property. I don't plan on getting rich, but I'd like something for my efforts damn it!
Tomorrow I'll probably run to Rutland, VT. There is --or at least was-- a little shop there that sold some art supplies. I'm hoping to find a few stencils and a french curve, and perhaps some kneaded rubber. I think that I have just about everything else that I would need for this project, aside from a bit more skill, which of course would be nice, but I think that I can make due. Go me!
Oh, and I stumbled across Mnislahi last night and was just amazed by her. I thought that she was absolutely gorgeous last night. Then, this morning, I see a new set from her, and she had the fucking IMPERIAL CREST from Star Wars on her left forearm. Talk about falling in love!
I rather doubt that I am her type, but that was quite the exciting discovery for me!
Tomorrow I'll probably run to Rutland, VT. There is --or at least was-- a little shop there that sold some art supplies. I'm hoping to find a few stencils and a french curve, and perhaps some kneaded rubber. I think that I have just about everything else that I would need for this project, aside from a bit more skill, which of course would be nice, but I think that I can make due. Go me!
Oh, and I stumbled across Mnislahi last night and was just amazed by her. I thought that she was absolutely gorgeous last night. Then, this morning, I see a new set from her, and she had the fucking IMPERIAL CREST from Star Wars on her left forearm. Talk about falling in love!