So that I can fill your feed up with all the butt picks! Don't lose hope . They is coming!
I've been neglecting my blog . But I've been extremely sick and not sleeping and I've also been taking care of my grandmother. Ive been feeling better so I'll be back! Stay tuned for all the booty pics ✌️
Last night I made myself three different 30 day workout plans to tone out my body and finally look healthy again instead of having what looks like a baby bump.I've been keeping a diary of what I eat and doing exercises every day.I I'm going to be posting my progress after 30 days.I'm excited to feel better about myself and just feel healthy from not...
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Coming from someone who was raped when she was 16 by a 35 year old man because she wanted to show off and drink with her older friends that were 18 & 21 . It was the first time I drank so I was drinking vodka like it was cups of water . Once the guy noticed how drunk I was he was offering to
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Sons of anarchy got really boring after season two . And then opie dies and everything goes to shit and I don’t even know why I’m still trying to catch up
absolutely. I've always been into anything to do with horror growing up. I was reading goosebumps and watching are you afraid of the dark and that turned into the grudge and secret window . And then that turned into me going to supposedly haunted houses / hospitals/ asylums and doing seances to actually talk to these people . I absolutely believe in hauntings and bad...
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This week i finished my 1200 hours at Paul Mitchell the school Tampa. I cant believe that over a year ago I moved here on my own and proved my whole family back home that I'm worth something. Not only did I do this for myself but I chose Paul Mitchell because the whole company cares so much about the community. On Tuesday September 9th...
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me and my good friend karissa did a little mini shoot with lots of fake blood. so it was just something fun we did ill post it on here when i'm done editing them (: