Hello people!!!
after 1 month I am here again to post something. I am quite stressed about uni and I still haven't found a job! :S
but to compensate all of this almost one month ago I signed a 2 years contract with an alternative modelling agency yay
ROGUE MAIDENS one day I am going to be a star!!! or not... (dreams...lol)
I have two new tattoos, oh yeah, I was almost forgetting to mention it!!!
they look lush
my lower arm is almost covered up but still needs some work... well...I need more money though... yeah, that's what I need!!!
1st -
2nd -
(the ribbon is going to be orange)
My hair changed as well, I was tired of having it short and sort of a mullet so I thought, "I have new teeth (yes I removed my braces) why not having a new hair? so that's what I did... I bought some cool real hair extensions and the magic happened
look awesome!!!
Anyway, now I am going to tell about the last month how things went,
well, one of my flat mates and really good friend claire decided that she wanted to move to australia to live with her BF (fair enough) but was a bit shock for us coz we didn't want her to leave... but she did... before she moved out...he went out dressed as nerds, that was fucking hilarious...I was soooo drunk that night ahahah was really cool!
check the pics. (I was wearing a wig though)
and then the day after we had a house party were me and claire went crazy and pretended we were lesbians ahaha that was soooo fucking awesome everyone really thought we were
I love this pic we look soooo hot
apart of that...the party was way cool and everyone enjoyed it!
I miss her so much , only we could get away with that... in front of everyone , just for a laugh!!! (we didn't even kissed ahha)
well, I am still waiting to know news about my second set... hopefully I will know their answer soon!!!
hope u are all well!! kiss kiss xx ary
p.s by the way I changed my username just to check if I could...and now I can't change it back :S oh well...
after 1 month I am here again to post something. I am quite stressed about uni and I still haven't found a job! :S
but to compensate all of this almost one month ago I signed a 2 years contract with an alternative modelling agency yay
I have two new tattoos, oh yeah, I was almost forgetting to mention it!!!
my lower arm is almost covered up but still needs some work... well...I need more money though... yeah, that's what I need!!!
1st -
2nd -
My hair changed as well, I was tired of having it short and sort of a mullet so I thought, "I have new teeth (yes I removed my braces) why not having a new hair? so that's what I did... I bought some cool real hair extensions and the magic happened
Anyway, now I am going to tell about the last month how things went,
well, one of my flat mates and really good friend claire decided that she wanted to move to australia to live with her BF (fair enough) but was a bit shock for us coz we didn't want her to leave... but she did... before she moved out...he went out dressed as nerds, that was fucking hilarious...I was soooo drunk that night ahahah was really cool!
and then the day after we had a house party were me and claire went crazy and pretended we were lesbians ahaha that was soooo fucking awesome everyone really thought we were
I love this pic we look soooo hot
apart of that...the party was way cool and everyone enjoyed it!
I miss her so much , only we could get away with that... in front of everyone , just for a laugh!!! (we didn't even kissed ahha)
well, I am still waiting to know news about my second set... hopefully I will know their answer soon!!!
hope u are all well!! kiss kiss xx ary
p.s by the way I changed my username just to check if I could...and now I can't change it back :S oh well...
Muda-me esse nome antes de mais nada minha alien cor de laranja
aryzinhaaaa obrigada por adicionares!! opah pena o teu set nao ter entrado!! estava altamente brutal!