Corporate America Sucks. Everyone is all about the politics. I often spend time trying to figure out how many people AT THAT VERY MOMENT are hiding in their cubes digging their undies out of their crack or picking their teeth. Because, you know, I have nothing better to do.
But wait! There's a solution to all of this. Now Corporate American can be fun with a capital FU! Ahhh ... how I love the intraweb.
"Corporate publications designed and presented in an attractive words-and-pictures format" (I shit you not, straight from the website advertisement)

But wait! There's a solution to all of this. Now Corporate American can be fun with a capital FU! Ahhh ... how I love the intraweb.
"Corporate publications designed and presented in an attractive words-and-pictures format" (I shit you not, straight from the website advertisement)

ps. hey, we should do a corporate comic book with scratch and sniff mcdonald adds!