Sigh... waiting for my set to go up gets me anxious. I have a video that I've created for my next set, and it's just so lovely- I want to share it with everyone! It's not like any other video on the site- but I'm not going to give it away I'll just say that it's NOT an interview kind of thing... it's very, very sexy- It will bring back memories of a by-gone era. Anyhoot- thanks for all the nice comments and posts- I really appreciate it! Everyone is so thoughtful and nice- and I'd just like to say that the fellow Limbo-girls are lovely. Also, did anyone else notice that SG Stacia is gone? I thought she was so beautiful.
'Til then~
'Til then~
xoxo, CC
And I believe stuffed animals make perfect bed fellows.
I already couldn't wait till your set went up, and now i have to wait for a hot video!? torture i tell you! torture!