I just got a My space account and stuff. My name on the myspace is
Iracundum a um

I think that is right maybe. I will have to double check any ways I found some cool new bands to listen to and maybe if I get luck I can go see a couple of them here in LA. hurray for me.
Hurray for you! haha. I sent you a friend request. I'm still gonna leave you messages here though. I don't sign in to myspace very often.
that is it
YAY picture!!!
you look sad... or really tired. I wonder if I have any pictures of you? I'll look.
I still have 2 weeks to go unless Paul decides to take me off the schedule before then. I just put in my notice. It's really weird being there and knowing that I don't really work there anymore. It's gonna be a really long 2 weeks.
I am so very happy I am going to be the very proud owner of a beautiful 1956 Cadillac Coupe deville.
Yes that is correct a Cadillac. I am going to name it after a beutiful suicide Girl. can you guess which one.

If you would like to see it just click the link below

56' Coupe DeVille
That is not very nice at all....
do you know this girl? is it funny because you're friends? because i think it's just mean.

I keep coming back to your page just to look at that car... i really wanna ride in it now.
sooooo..... how are you?
how's the car???? Have you just been driving around for the last 4 days? are you on your way to pick me up yet?
I dont know why I even bother doing this whole updating thing. I am begining to think that no one cares.
Well now that I got that out of my head here we go.

I think i went out saturday and it sucked ass. then I got on the inter web and started the lengthy task of searching for a car to purchase. I lovr...
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I care silly boy. You know i do.
I miss you so much. I feel like i have no friends anymore. I've been very bummed out lately. just sick and depressed and fed up with work.
I felt like a robot today too. my brain just shut down. Thank GOD i finally have a couple of days off. it's never enough though. I really need a new job. next month is 5 years. ugh.
When you finish with this baking course you can stop and come be my kitchen slave. I can live on eclairs and soup. It will be wonderful. and i won't make you write essays. I might even let you use my Hello Kitty waffle maker!
today I did my laundry and I made eclairs. It was so much fun I came home and made more eclairs.
My roomate is so talking out of his ass and I am beginning to boil. I just want to punch his honky ass in the mouth. That would be fun.
so now tha I have Updated I wiil let you go Cause I...
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today I did my laundry and I made eclairs. It was so much fun I came home and made more eclairs.
My roomate is so talking out of his ass and I am beginning to boil. I just want to punch his honky ass in the mouth. That would be fun.
so now tha I have Updated I wiil let you go Cause I...
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Another boreing day in the life of gab.
I started to read Dante's Divine comedy. I got through a bit of it till I realized that it is like reading the bible. I didnt understand what he was saying. I will try again later but I dont think I am going to like it. Well after I was done with that I got bored and...
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Holy shit man!! this is a huge update. Too huge for me to digest at 8 in the morning. Why am I up so early????? Ugh. work. that's right... ugh! not enough sleep....
I'll catch you later when i'm more awake and coherent.
hey, why did you change your location on here to Othello?
To whom it may concern,
I am really bored right now, and I dont want to do my math. I am going to EXPLODE!!!
Well I think I want to go to The Derby in hollywood on sunday and learn myself how to swing dance. That would be al sorts of fun.
I am having some fun in school I am currently in Baking 1...
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DON'T EXPLODE!!! that would be no good.
If you explode you can never teach me how to make tamales and i NEED to know. so just don't. and you can make me bagels anytime.
Happy new yaer and all that jazz
well I hope you vacation was a cool as mine.
Thats great yea well later
Happy new year to you, too
So I am here and I am updateing and I am going home this week to see the family and all my awsome freinds.
I am thinking I am going to get really drunk when I am there or maybe not. what ever
Rable rable rable...... Blah blah blah....
Gabe, it was so awesome to see you!!! i wish we could've spent more time together, but oh well. i hope you had a good time while you were here and got back to Cali safely. i'll talk to you later!
HEY!!! Where have you been?