Finals are upon us again, i hope I do well. well lets see.
thanks for checking out the debut set! have a fantastic week!

Blah Blah Blah
I realy could say a lot but I think I Should Go To Bed.
you would think that I could leave the shift button Alone but for some reason My pinky feels the Need to be a part of this situation. I think we arer going to have a talk about who is the boss around here. There under control.
I think...
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I realy could say a lot but I think I Should Go To Bed.
you would think that I could leave the shift button Alone but for some reason My pinky feels the Need to be a part of this situation. I think we arer going to have a talk about who is the boss around here. There under control.
I think...
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HEY!!! You're Alive!
I wasn't sure if you ever signed on here anymore.
I miss you. What have you been up to?
I wasn't sure if you ever signed on here anymore.
I miss you. What have you been up to?
thanx for commenting on my set!
Ohh... How I missed you SG...
Becky and Chad got their own place. They live in Othello. so I'm over there pretty often. and actually, I wasn't getting hit on, but Becky was. She was all over the place getting free drinks. I was just there to give her a ride home. I kinda avoided everyone else. not really my scene.
thanks so much!!
I am home again and it is a lot of drinkin and i think when I get home I am going to take a break for a while.
YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! You're back! are you actually back in town, or are you just teasing me... ? we should get together sometime this weekend. I have the next few days off.
I have been really lame lately but I did get to see Royal Crown Revue sunday night so that makes me feel a littlt better about myself. I have been hanging out with a co worker who is very sweet. and I dont think that chick kira will ever call me again after blowing me off that tuesday night for a night of beers and...
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awesome! so I might see you soon. Wednesday and Thursday work best for me. I'll call you if you don't call me.
hey, I had fun and it's great to see you! I kinda like your crazy family. I miss you lots but I'm really glad you're happy in Cali. You look great, and you sound like you're doing pretty good down there. I'm just glad I got to see you this time! you need to visit more often.
Well I just had to tell some one that I went Ice Skating yesterday and it was alright .It killed my legs though. Also I almost landed one or two face plants. But I caught my self. My ass was not so lucky.
Hey kid! Where've you been? I miss you.
oh good, you're still alive! I'm back home again. I just haven't updated since before I left. I went over to the coast for a week for a training class. It was BORING!! but I learned a bunch of stuff that will hopefully someday help me in my job. There's so many stupid laws and it's really complicated. ugh.
sounds like you've been busy. How are things going with school and stuff? That place sounds really neat. I can just see you hanging out in a place like that. You rock.
sounds like you've been busy. How are things going with school and stuff? That place sounds really neat. I can just see you hanging out in a place like that. You rock.
Everyone must have me and not being capable to drive myself any werer cause my lack of licencing. Well sweet heart i apologize that I was unable to see you.Well every one had there own plans for me and I was stuck being lame at me mas house. 5 was hung over saturday morning and so was my ride. So that didnt work like I...
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Hey there. Don't feel bad. I told you not to feel bad. It's not really your fault. I know your family was all happy to see you and had their own plans for you. And I know that getting to Moses was not the easiest thing for you to do. I hope you had a good time cuz that's all that matters.
Ha I back

YAY!!! you're gonna be here!! that's awesome! What's the occasion? just coming home for spring break? I left a message on your phone. I'm working the next 3 days, but I'll have Wed, Thurs, and Fri night off. I MUST see you!
your desserts look AMAZING Gabe!!! you rule!! are you bringing Sophie up with you when you come home???
that antenna mouse thing is bizarre. But my GOD she is gorgeous!!
yeah, I know the song.... I still think it's strange.
Thank you very, very much for your nice comment on my set!
I'm not sure what it is, but yes it looks yummy!

I'm not sure what it is, but yes it looks yummy!

OMG! That looks so good!!!
Why must you tease me?? Why???
Why must you tease me?? Why???
I just got a My space account and stuff. My name on the myspace is
Iracundum a um
I think that is right maybe. I will have to double check any ways I found some cool new bands to listen to and maybe if I get luck I can go see a couple of them here in LA. hurray for me.
Iracundum a um
I think that is right maybe. I will have to double check any ways I found some cool new bands to listen to and maybe if I get luck I can go see a couple of them here in LA. hurray for me.
Hurray for you! haha. I sent you a friend request. I'm still gonna leave you messages here though. I don't sign in to myspace very often.