Drama...Drama..more Drama...and some excitement...

I swear...sometimes i wonder if things are supposed to be messed up.

Had plans for lunch today with Jinx and Steph....they punked me out though...didn't make it...then I acted like a 2 year-old...damn...I am ashmad of that...

Had the whole day off too...ever notice how when you work all the time you want time off so badly....but then you get some...
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Dude, where ya been?
happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Love....man that word fucks everything up.

Seriosuly...I have a good friend from college that I stayed in contact with. We have had one of those relationships that everyone has...you know....good friends....and a little more (wink, nudge)...

Well...things have been decent...but she has become more and more attached...like we are going to be together one day and she is just waiting me out....Kinda weird...but..being the whore...
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sadness...it is a powerful emotion. I have been wrestling wiht some fairly crazy things lately..and well...the past two days have forced things to a head.
I am not sur ehow this is will play out....but we will have to wait and see.
I wanted to see the burlesque show very badly....sadly..I can't make it. I am leaving for my hometown Friday afternoon...I have fifth row...
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I am speechless...
watched Ultimate Fight Night on Spike....some excellent fights...and besides..Favre is washed up...ready for retirement...and the Packers were getting pounded...So then I switch on the game after the fights....and there it is....Old School Favre driving down the field. A patch-work offensive line....down to his last three healthy receivers..and Ahman Green sidelined with an injury..none of this matters...Favre is back and the Pack is...
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Interesting day today....must have been National Vibrator Day or something.
I had to work the porn shop...which trust me sucks on NFL Sunday....or at least it does for me...and as is true of all Sundays, it was slow as hell. Although...the interesting thing was that one of every two people in the store bought a vibrator. That is indeed odd...something is amiss here in Baltimore....
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Ok..wow....so..I just lost track of myself for a little bit. I had a pretty good week..but sorta self-destructive at the same time. The porn shops that I work for are woefully managed. My frustration with them is immense...but then again...I think maybe I should let it be..I mean it is not like I want to hold this job forever...it was supposed to be fun. Ideas...
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I so need to come into your sex shop. I have never been to one in Baltimore. I usually go to one in Bethesda for my "supplies". It is one by women and has no boothes.

[Edited on Oct 02, 2005 7:58PM]
Sure..by all means...I'd love to have you as a guest of ours. I will warn you that our stores are not the greatest...but they are serviceable...let me know...I'd love to show you around..besides I do get a discount...and I will gladly share it with you...
Today was a pretty good day. I mean, work still sucked. The law office was on the plate tonight...and it was as boring as usual. I had to rewrite a complaint because the consulting attorney who wrote it must have been a complete moron...makes you wonder...makes you wonder...
Then the porn shop all night. I thought that was really gonna suck...having to miss not one...
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dude where are you
Well, I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to be able to update this everyday. I know, typing a few lines here seems like such an easy thing to do....Maybe I just need to stop being so lazy...
This was an odd weekend. I spent almost the entire thing working at the porn shop but for once I actually enjoyed myself....
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I will have to the sex shop you work at. But I have lived in Maryland my entire life and I don't know where Rosedale is.
Really? I thought all you Baltimore people knew all those neighborhood nicknames. I thought I was the only that didn't know them all. Well, Rosedale in Northeast of the city, just past the city line. Where 95 intersects 695 on the top side. Or..where the old Golden Ring Mall was...in other words. I work at four different stores...Rosedale (2 of them, where Rt. 40 intersects Rossville Boulevard...and one in Carney on Joppa Road..and the last in on Rt. 40 in Joppatowne. I'd love to have ya stop by.,.and I get a discount...and i share...
Ahh....two days in a row and then I had to skip one! Typical..I have trouble keeping my focus over long periods of time...maybe it is the weed..who knows.. And while I am at it...how is three days a long time? Things are going strange..
Well...today was another strange day. I spent the first eight hours of it working at a recycling yard to help my...
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Ok..so this marks my second day as a member here. I have to say I am still very impressed. There are so many pic sets to check out...I almost feel overwhelmed.
Maybe that is just me being silly though. I am one of those people that takes things like choosing my favorite girls seriously. But there are so many to see..I feel like I am...
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Ok...So these are my very first moments on this site. I guess I should start at the beginning.
I found the Suicide Girls through a friend. She mentioned that with the girls I often described as "ideal", I should check out this site. I trust her judgment (she is hot...and hot women tend to sway my opinion easily) and so here I am!
I plan...
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