I'm more than happy to share my photography online. I spend a lot of time on my phone using various free apps to edit images and I believe that they should be free to everyone.
I also want to reward some of my most loyal internet friends and family with some exclusive photos. Photography is an art form and I spend lots of effort and time on practicing my craft, finding locations and organizing images. As a result, some of these creations hold a certain amount of intimacy. So, I will begin to treat them as such.
I was spending MOST of my time on other people's websites, like Twitter and Instagram. Even though these were still my images, I felt like they mostly belonged to those websites more than they did to me.
Suicide Girls is different. I will actually be sharing some exclusive sets to this website only so, make sure you're an SG member and you're following me. Some of these images and sets will be for Members Only and some will be for Followers Only.
There is also a folder in my Dropbox that is EXCLUSIVELY available to Suicide Girls Members: LoveSG on Dropbox
The reason I'm writing this post is to invite you join my email list. In my journey to treat my artwork with even more respect, I will save my absolute favorites for your eyes only.
On top of that, I plan to invest in more physical inventory such as, prints and other merchandise. Some of these will be given away in contests and raffles and I will offer discounts to those wishing to purchase and are also members in my email group.
Josh's Photos Email Club (Coming Soon)
I hope you'll consider it. It is absolutely free! I also hope that you enjoy it.
Here's some more of my favorite Free Images.
Thanks for reading.
Love, Josh