my ears are fuckin ringing from the NY Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, just in case you were wondering.... David Johansen is still a fucking ROCK STAR!.... oh, and by the by... the SG girls rocked the Sunset junction!! ... ok ... enough exclamation....
& in other good news....cutepillowdancer is coming home early
... I'm picking her up from the airport tomorrow..... guess she gets to go to the SG DVD party... see you kidz there
& in other good news....cutepillowdancer is coming home early

I already had one kid when we met and we were 6 mo preg when we married, then #3 came along 22 mo after the 2nd. So we haven't had much alone time!
I would love to have a solid block of time with him where we could just enjoy eachother and not bother about the logistics of family life.
Ah, well, there will be a time in life for that when the children are all grown! And I will only be 45 when the littlest is 20! But yeah, we need to stay connected through these busy years.
Yes, not taking it personally can be a tough lesson. We are all such sensitive creatures to a fault, eh? I suppose there is good in that, too. I'm actually reading a book proposal about how to re-channel "romantic obsession" toward more positive ends. IT's really hippie dippie...but still, I like what it's trying to do.