sorry I been slackin' ya'll... mostly just hangin' with the girl & trying to lock down some work... got a little this week and made $300 for two days (more like 8 hours)... not bad... now if I could do like 10 more of those I'd be set...
headin' up to SF this weekend withcutepillowdancer... we're gonna visit an old friend of mine for about a week... he's throwing his annual house warming party/art extravaganza... he's hiring me to do the lighting design for the show and the girl is working on a dance/performance piece... something based on the "I Love Lucy" show... should be fun...
out to the house of alansmithee55 this eve for cocktails with friends and some social time & then trying to wrap thngs up here in town over the next couple days before I head up north for a week....
just a little news for those of you that have known me for awhile... my friend Derrik is coming to visit for a week in August... she's a former girlfriend from my art school days that I haven't seen for almost 15 years... we got back in touch a couple years ago & realized that our friendship/love is still very much alive... she's married & has 3 kids now & she knows all about cutepillowdancer... in fact, they have become fast friends over the phone... we're looking forward to taking her out around LA and giving her the first vacation away from her family in over 10 years... it's either gonna be alot of fun or the girls are just gonna gang up and beat the crap outa me... which could also be alot of fun
take care of each other out there...
smell da funk... feel da love
headin' up to SF this weekend withcutepillowdancer... we're gonna visit an old friend of mine for about a week... he's throwing his annual house warming party/art extravaganza... he's hiring me to do the lighting design for the show and the girl is working on a dance/performance piece... something based on the "I Love Lucy" show... should be fun...
out to the house of alansmithee55 this eve for cocktails with friends and some social time & then trying to wrap thngs up here in town over the next couple days before I head up north for a week....
just a little news for those of you that have known me for awhile... my friend Derrik is coming to visit for a week in August... she's a former girlfriend from my art school days that I haven't seen for almost 15 years... we got back in touch a couple years ago & realized that our friendship/love is still very much alive... she's married & has 3 kids now & she knows all about cutepillowdancer... in fact, they have become fast friends over the phone... we're looking forward to taking her out around LA and giving her the first vacation away from her family in over 10 years... it's either gonna be alot of fun or the girls are just gonna gang up and beat the crap outa me... which could also be alot of fun

take care of each other out there...
smell da funk... feel da love
you HAVE been slacking. Come round and let us know you're still alive
