holy shit!... thank god this CalArts reunion thing is almost over!.... this thing has kicked my ass... I worked 24 straight hours from Fri morning to Sat morning to get things finished up....it sucked ass but was kinda cool at the same time... you know, in that working so hard to make the art that you spend the next 3 days feelin like you got into a knock down bar brawl with the cutest girl gang ever...
"Ouch Baby! Yea, kick me in the ribs again!"....
Just gotta spend all day loading out all the gear so I can get the fuck outa town on Monday... then I can spend a few weeks just chilling out with family & sitting on the beach & soakin up the sun.... and best of the bestest?... I get to see cutepillowdancer in like a week... my girly girl of the girlness girl!
.... i miss that beautiful woman...
kay ya'll... gotta get to work...
more lovin'... less shovin'
"Ouch Baby! Yea, kick me in the ribs again!"....
Just gotta spend all day loading out all the gear so I can get the fuck outa town on Monday... then I can spend a few weeks just chilling out with family & sitting on the beach & soakin up the sun.... and best of the bestest?... I get to see cutepillowdancer in like a week... my girly girl of the girlness girl!

kay ya'll... gotta get to work...
more lovin'... less shovin'
tear it up!