hey ya'll... happy slappy holy days...San Fran has been eFFin beautiful... runnin' around in ths city in the rain with the girl is a dream... huddling up with each other at some dark and dry bar, the rain & fog dripping from our hair... the whiskey warming our gut... burning liquid heart beat pouring past our lips...
x-mass day was spent with the girl, curled up on the couch & watching each other unwrap the gifties... she got lots of shiny thing & some cool new toys & a couple squishy/snuggley things...
today is a movie & food with our friend who's houe we've been at while he was on holiday.... sounds like New Years here at his house with people coming over...woo hoo.. naked hot tub champagne midnight kiss disco freak out....
hope all you kidz are enjoying yer Self... this time of year ( like any other) can be either stressful or beautiful... if giving pretty things makes you happy, then do that... if it pleases you to offer just your heart, do that... if you want to be with family, be with them... if you need stillness, find some solitude... if you need to make a joyful noise or hoot 'n holler, raise your voice... if you need to hear your own silence, find a quiet peace...
love, lollies & lotuses for all
x-mass day was spent with the girl, curled up on the couch & watching each other unwrap the gifties... she got lots of shiny thing & some cool new toys & a couple squishy/snuggley things...
today is a movie & food with our friend who's houe we've been at while he was on holiday.... sounds like New Years here at his house with people coming over...woo hoo.. naked hot tub champagne midnight kiss disco freak out....

hope all you kidz are enjoying yer Self... this time of year ( like any other) can be either stressful or beautiful... if giving pretty things makes you happy, then do that... if it pleases you to offer just your heart, do that... if you want to be with family, be with them... if you need stillness, find some solitude... if you need to make a joyful noise or hoot 'n holler, raise your voice... if you need to hear your own silence, find a quiet peace...
love, lollies & lotuses for all
the phrase is "Deae ex Machina", Goddess in the Machine. I'm queer for cybernetics and things.