praise the lord & pass the ammunition... Sistaz & Brothaz, I join you here today, my fellow red bloodied Ahmerikunz, in this temple of flesh, fun & filetgumbo to remind us all of our great responsibility... to re-commit our selves to the great work that stands before us... to kick some ass & take some names... to demand that those who claim to represent us, truely listen to our hearts... to trumpet the truth & laugh at the lies... time to rock out with your cock out & punk out with your cunt out... now is the time & this is the place... time to kick out the jams and burn this mother out... we must own this house we have built, whether it is a house of cards or a house of pain... we have met the new boss, he's the same as the old boss... it's time to stop confusing hypocrisy with democracy... time to deside if anarchy is the antidote to apathy... time to find an alternative to a gun toting, NASCAR driving Jesus... it's time to raise your hands in da air like ya just don't care, extend that long and strong middle finger and sing out with me, "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCK!!".... amen, awomen... may the rockin light of the baby Jeebus shine forth from your heart
sendin you more love than you can hold in your hand
sendin you more love than you can hold in your hand
nice hat
I found that highly inspirational! ^_~ And indeed, preach on.