back in the thick of it... it's only the first week and we're already setting up our first show... suddenly I have tons of work rolling in... two performance / installation events and two modern dance shows... yea for getting paid to make art
my friend from SF that I was helping with his gallery show is down for the week and we're going to see Sky Commander this Friday... very much up for it... a friend of ours from our college days was the director of photography & what I've seen looks fuckin beautiful...
ok, so... as promised, a short story from my travels last month... in 1878 my family settled a piece of land about 30 acres in western North Carolina... my great grandmother was the last person to live there and she passed away in 1987 at 108 years... a beautful & strong woman till her last... now, being land rich and dirt poor she had parceled out the land to various cousins, aunts, grandchildren, etc... most of the parcels were too small to do much with but every body held on to them and let it sit.... I guess alot of the family, as much as they loved her, didn't have any reason to stay around and use it... all I could think of were the times I had spent walking this land as a child with my Nanny... it was the only piece of physical or geographic history that my family had... her house that had ben built in 1901 still stood on a seperate 5 acre plot near by... so over the last ten years I've been slowly aquiring all the land back (except for the house)... so when I went out there last moth I got to walk the whole thirty acres for the first time in over 25 years... acre after acre of old growth pine and oak... some of the pine are easily 60 feet tall.. one of the oaks I came across was nearly four feet in diameter at the base... the land drops down from the east & west sides into two small valleys feed by fresh water springs that converge around a ridge in the middle into a small pond at the south end...
now this land isn't worth much... it's out in BFE western North Cackalaky... there's not much else out there... but it's worth alot to me... my family lived and died on that land for generations... they farmed some of it... they harvested trees to build their homes... they hunted it... they cared for it & it sheltered and fed them... I want to do the same... there is water,soil & sun enough to grow my food... there is timber & stone enough to build my home... there is time & space & beauty enough to live out my life....... then there are the cool little perks like the abandond gold mine near the pond... most likely tapped out but still a good pirate's booty fantasy
... it's also surrounded by national & state park land so no fucked up developing will ever happen...
so that's what I did on my summer vacation....
love ya kidzz... I got a 4 day weekend so I'll do my best to check in with all of you...

my friend from SF that I was helping with his gallery show is down for the week and we're going to see Sky Commander this Friday... very much up for it... a friend of ours from our college days was the director of photography & what I've seen looks fuckin beautiful...
ok, so... as promised, a short story from my travels last month... in 1878 my family settled a piece of land about 30 acres in western North Carolina... my great grandmother was the last person to live there and she passed away in 1987 at 108 years... a beautful & strong woman till her last... now, being land rich and dirt poor she had parceled out the land to various cousins, aunts, grandchildren, etc... most of the parcels were too small to do much with but every body held on to them and let it sit.... I guess alot of the family, as much as they loved her, didn't have any reason to stay around and use it... all I could think of were the times I had spent walking this land as a child with my Nanny... it was the only piece of physical or geographic history that my family had... her house that had ben built in 1901 still stood on a seperate 5 acre plot near by... so over the last ten years I've been slowly aquiring all the land back (except for the house)... so when I went out there last moth I got to walk the whole thirty acres for the first time in over 25 years... acre after acre of old growth pine and oak... some of the pine are easily 60 feet tall.. one of the oaks I came across was nearly four feet in diameter at the base... the land drops down from the east & west sides into two small valleys feed by fresh water springs that converge around a ridge in the middle into a small pond at the south end...
now this land isn't worth much... it's out in BFE western North Cackalaky... there's not much else out there... but it's worth alot to me... my family lived and died on that land for generations... they farmed some of it... they harvested trees to build their homes... they hunted it... they cared for it & it sheltered and fed them... I want to do the same... there is water,soil & sun enough to grow my food... there is timber & stone enough to build my home... there is time & space & beauty enough to live out my life....... then there are the cool little perks like the abandond gold mine near the pond... most likely tapped out but still a good pirate's booty fantasy

so that's what I did on my summer vacation....
love ya kidzz... I got a 4 day weekend so I'll do my best to check in with all of you...
"awe, that j, what a smaht nice boy
I CANT WAIT TO SEE SEAN OF THE DEAD!!!!....i thought it was shaun of the dead.....doesnt really matter cuz i'm probly wrong
i always luvs me a good zombie moovie
[Edited on Sep 17, 2004 11:09AM]