Whadda fuggin week... We threw a slammin, bammin, booty bumpin dance party in our garden last Saturday... magueritas flowed, da tunes grooved & a good time was had by all... the next morning I was off to San Fran to see a friend perform with a group called Kunst Stoff (Art Stuff)... YAY! naked people sliding around in a puddle of water (now that's art baby)... back in LaLa Land now with a long weekend ahead...(who am I kidding, I'm not working right now... every day is Saturday for me!)... gonna see a friend sing at the Derby tonite... if yer in LA, go see 'em, 8pm... & in other news, looks like I've become a summer time boyfriend... this is a bit wierd for me as it's been quite a few years since I've been "intimately" involved with anyone... seems like we're just enjoying each other's company & having fun rolling around naked... pretty sure I'm gonna get dumped in a few months, but I think I'll just enjoy the attention for now... much love to ya kidz
Thanks for the email. I just might take you up on your offer sometime. I just got a cell so now I have the ability to be in touch with my friends across country.
I had a summertime boyfriend once. It was sad when it ended.
Let me tell ya, today is the weirdest day... I'm actually happy.
xoxo<3, Trampy