just added a set of some of my lighting work for my fav local dance company... thought it might be of interest... first couple days back in the city & back on the job from a week long holiday... I fuckin' love my job... I feel so blessed to be able to teach and encourage young artists to continue along the path of creating beauty... there is certainly not enough of that in this world... plus I usually don't have to be at work before noon & that truely fuckin rocks... my mornings left to walkin the dogs, drinkin coffee, sittin in the garden or hot tub... man... life, in fact ,does not suck.... just 16 more days until Mr. Jones... It'l be good to be up in SF, even if just for one day
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Friday Nov 12, 2004
praise the lord & pass the ammunition... Sistaz & Brothaz, I join you… -
Friday Nov 05, 2004
well...... so much for that idea.... so what do we do next kidzz?....… -
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
the fear that the state of things will not change can be our worst en… -
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
the fear that the state of things will not change can be our worst en… -
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
another day of clouds & rain in LaLa land... this city can actually b… -
Sunday Oct 17, 2004
Dear Trey & Matt, Thank you. Love, one sick bastard P.S.... T… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
the girl had some erands to do for the afternoon... so I'm off to see… -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
the beginning of a well needed 3 day weekend... most likely spending … -
Monday Oct 11, 2004
we partied like rock starzz & a good time was had by all... the B-day…