just added a set of some of my lighting work for my fav local dance company... thought it might be of interest... first couple days back in the city & back on the job from a week long holiday... I fuckin' love my job... I feel so blessed to be able to teach and encourage young artists to continue along the path of creating beauty... there is certainly not enough of that in this world... plus I usually don't have to be at work before noon & that truely fuckin rocks... my mornings left to walkin the dogs, drinkin coffee, sittin in the garden or hot tub... man... life, in fact ,does not suck.... just 16 more days until Mr. Jones... It'l be good to be up in SF, even if just for one day
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 31, 2007
hey Kidzz... sorry I've been away for a bit... my puter fall down go … -
Monday Jan 01, 2007
Welcome to the New Year. Let's try to get this one right. Shall we? -
Monday Dec 18, 2006
finally done with my annual hell weeks... soon to see the girl … -
Wednesday Nov 15, 2006
well... the girl has hit the road to 3000 miles away... Part of me is… -
Monday Oct 02, 2006
well... it's been about a million years since I posted... so much goi… -
Sunday Aug 06, 2006
Summer's almost over & so is my summer job. Didn't make nearly enough… -
Tuesday Jun 27, 2006
Another beautiful few days in the Garden.... starting to get a bit hu… -
Monday Jun 12, 2006
Hey Ya'll... all is well in the Garden of Earthly Delights... been … -
Sunday Jun 04, 2006
so... this being Sunday means that I've spent the last week living (s… -
Friday May 26, 2006
OK kidz... summer is finally here for me... been spending the last fe…