GOT NAILS?....saw the jesus movie last night... sorry, don't see what all the hubub is about... moderately good attempt for a first time dir/prod...he made Clive Barker & the HellRaiser gang look like a bunch of girlscouts with that flogging scene...I wonder what Mad Maxx will do with his half a billion dollars? donate it to the ADL?... perhaps a fund for the victims of pedo-priests?...yea...right
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Sunday Sep 25, 2005
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Thursday Sep 22, 2005
I have returned -
Friday Sep 09, 2005
well... back to work and the steady paycheck... Praise Jeebus!!... go… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
my ears are fuckin ringing from the NY Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, just i… -
Friday Aug 26, 2005
just 7 more days till cutepillowdancer comes home... I really love th… -
Sunday Aug 14, 2005
well... put cutepillowdancer on a plane for Scotland today... she's g… -
Sunday Aug 14, 2005
well... put cutepillowdancer on a plane for Scotland today... she's g… -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
sorry I been slackin' ya'll... mostly just hangin' with the girl & tr… -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2005
hey Ya'll... back from the home trip... very relaxed & ever so slight… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
holy shit!... thank god this CalArts reunion thing is almost over!...…