What little faith I had in humanity is now gone! On my way home from work today, there was a girl lying dead in the street. from what I could gather is she stumbled out of the bar that was across the street got hit by a car. and was thrown across the street. The paramedics were just getting there as I was driving by and I saw them turn her head to see if she was still alive. Naturally she was a mess. I understand that this type of thing happens every day but the fucked up part is that the bar across the street totally emptied out to watch all of this. They were laughing and joking about it, and just having the best time. fucking losers! you wonder what the fuck is wrong with people.
In Kenosha WI we have a crazy old man who walks around(sometimes he has a bike) and he only wears red white and blue--and carries a HUGE american flag were talking REALLY BIG. he has a little dog that is always with him. I think he is the last true american patriot. Not one of these knee-jerk post 9-11 types but someone who really loves this country...or perhaps he's just a nut. He was 2 blocks away from the dead girl geographically, but a million miles away in reality. I envied him.
In Kenosha WI we have a crazy old man who walks around(sometimes he has a bike) and he only wears red white and blue--and carries a HUGE american flag were talking REALLY BIG. he has a little dog that is always with him. I think he is the last true american patriot. Not one of these knee-jerk post 9-11 types but someone who really loves this country...or perhaps he's just a nut. He was 2 blocks away from the dead girl geographically, but a million miles away in reality. I envied him.
thank-you and I was terrified by sitting there

time to update there buddy.....