Artists are always bitching about how much $$$ supplies cost. I've offered great deals to anyone here on this site and alot of people I know. Nothing! It is certainly not a jab at any one person, it just always amazes me that when you attempt to help people, that they don't want to be helped they prefer to bitch and complain. This is not specific to artists this is true across the board. People really do love thier misery.
That said my offer still stands for those in need
Well I'm whoring off art supplies on e-bay faster than I can post new ones!
I posted a link to my e-bay for those who prefer to practice safe internet commerce.
Enough bitching here I'lll stop!
No fun lately just work--I have 3 commissions that I am struggling to finish---
Its been quiet around here this thing on? tap tap tap
That said my offer still stands for those in need

I posted a link to my e-bay for those who prefer to practice safe internet commerce.
Enough bitching here I'lll stop!
No fun lately just work--I have 3 commissions that I am struggling to finish---
Its been quiet around here this thing on? tap tap tap

that's awesome your ebay store is a-hoppin!