Hi Kids!
Hmm let me see whats new..........?
um, I bought a fully stocked art supply store so now I'm officially poor But!!! I do have 1000's of paint tubes!
Do you need a pallet knife well I have 100 of those...he he -other than the drudgery of moving all the stuff, I'm like a kid in a candy store!!
gotta go haul boxes!
Hmm let me see whats new..........?
um, I bought a fully stocked art supply store so now I'm officially poor But!!! I do have 1000's of paint tubes!
Do you need a pallet knife well I have 100 of those...he he -other than the drudgery of moving all the stuff, I'm like a kid in a candy store!!
gotta go haul boxes!

I'll get back to ya.
Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment on my jewelry--which is really made by me and not put together from other people's stuff, by the way, as a very well meaning person once suggested.
honestly it was just a way out of linen's. i needed to get the fuck out of there. i am looking for another job at the moment also. not sure what else i am going to do. but the bar is only part time and i'm not so sure it is for me anyhow. lets meet up sometime soon.