Sat the 8th My co-op gallery is having there big fund raiser called "caged" artists in there natural habitat. 36 artists are donating their time and completing a painting (in one day) to be auctioned off at the end of the night, There is live music and food--the last time we had this it was packed!--people will be walking around watching the artists work so its chaos. I'm really excited about it. HOWEVER I will have to miss the Dresden Dolls at summerfest
Boooo-- So all my peeps that r going will have to give me a full update--have fun!

yeah, keno is getting better. yay for it. but i'm still not getting out to enjoy it, are you?
i call people sir and ma'am out of habit from living in the south. and pink hair!
we didn't bother to start the store. my sister just wants to (she wants to do a lot of stuff - i'm hoping she doesn't sneak a look over my shoulder right now).
and foi means faith in french. not that i have any or anything, but it's my middle name. raised by a staunch baptist, can ya tell?
Pretty soon, someone is going to say that about Camilla Taylor, damnit.