I am utterly exhauseted with this chronic back pain.
It seems like its merely in the muscles, but no muscle relief technique will do a damn thing. (Pills, heat, massage, etc.)
So, maybe its in the bones...?
I've had MRIs and Xrays and they didn't turn up anything to the doctors who were observing me at the time.
I've had injections, electro-stimulation, muscle relaxors, and manipulation done.
I really need some serious input or help, anything that would actually be benificial, please let me know.
I really can't handle this anymore...
Thanks in advance.
I am utterly exhauseted with this chronic back pain.
It seems like its merely in the muscles, but no muscle relief technique will do a damn thing. (Pills, heat, massage, etc.)
So, maybe its in the bones...?
I've had MRIs and Xrays and they didn't turn up anything to the doctors who were observing me at the time.
I've had injections, electro-stimulation, muscle relaxors, and manipulation done.
I really need some serious input or help, anything that would actually be benificial, please let me know.
I really can't handle this anymore...
Thanks in advance.

As for the chronic back pains, I read an article that said chronic pain (especially lower back pain) is one big mind game. If you train your mind to "rethink" the pain, you can override it and subsequently reduce, if not completly get rid of, the pain.
If that doesn't work, you could always get a new back. It's common these days. Kind of a new fad or trend, if you will.
Have a good day.