Change of plans - not heading to NC this year for Christmas. Instead, I'm meeting my ex half way (some where in GA) to pick up my son. He still doesn't know I'm picking him up for Christmas this year... going to be a total surprise and he's going to be sooooo excited!!! I can't wait to see the look on his face when we meet at our destination point
He won't recognize the car I'll be driving because it'll be a rental haha... This is going to be the BEST Christmas in a long time - for me and my son!!! Can't wait for Dec. 22cd to get here.
I was looking forward to spending Christmas up in NC for Christmas this year in case it snowed.. Would have felt more like Christmas instead of how it is almost every year here in Florida... been warm on Xmas day - kinda like.. yeah.. feels like just another day!!!
So.. yeah can't wait... super stoked that this year my son will be w/ me for Christmas!!! And to top it off I'll be getting a good bonus from work so my son will definitely have a great Christmas ....

I was looking forward to spending Christmas up in NC for Christmas this year in case it snowed.. Would have felt more like Christmas instead of how it is almost every year here in Florida... been warm on Xmas day - kinda like.. yeah.. feels like just another day!!!

So.. yeah can't wait... super stoked that this year my son will be w/ me for Christmas!!! And to top it off I'll be getting a good bonus from work so my son will definitely have a great Christmas ....

Sweet, hope you boys enjoy it. 

Thanks you both!!! We'll have a blast.. we always do