Second night of working out. Was so sore today from working out last night!!! But... no pain, no gain!!! Been neglecting working out the latter part of last year - no more slacking - no more procrastinating!!! Just Do IT!!! wink Pretty clever saying - Just Do It!!! Too bad I didn't think of it haha. yeah I'm a dork - w/e!! D
Part of my "new year's resolution" is to start working out again so that's what I've decided to start doing tonight... just downed some Whey Protein Shake - vanilla flavored - pretty good shit!!! lol Got in one rep and I'm feeling pumped already.

Hmmm... maybe some pics? We'll see wink
Home from work a little early - not sure what to do with myself!!!! Not used to getting out of work early. biggrin
Having car problems suck!!! I thought my transmission was SHOT. I went to the auto parts store and bought some tranny fluid. I knew the level had to be low because my car (Automatic) would not drive or go into reverse. I revved it up to very high RPM's and it moved a little. So I added the fluid and whatcha know... it ran smoothly....
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good luck with your car! I am pretty sure my husband and I shouldn't be allowed to own cars, we have had the most ridiculous luck with car trouble!
I've had the same with vehicles and even though I keep up on the maintenance myself - something ALWAYS happens. But I must say though... this car has been a pretty good ride. I drove from Florida to PA and back and it drove flawlessly ... but now that it has about 160,000 miles on it.. things are definitely falling apart. Trying to make it last as long as I possibly can so I can buy a brand new car.. or maybe something newER!
Car trouble - fuck me! Transmission - fuck me hard!!! blah!
So this is my Friday!!! I think alcoholic beverages are in order... whatcha think? CHEERS!!! That's what I'm thinking biggrin
LOL I dont wait until friday!
I work through out the week so I rarely drink the night before I have to go to work - blah! Kinda gotta be on my A-game cuz I'm in management :/
Happy New Year to you ALL!!! Hope this year turns out better than last year!!! wink
Vacation time is UP!!! Back to work tomorrow!!! Blah, BLAH and FUCKING BLAAAAAAAAAH!!! mad
That was one hell of a drive to and from Georgia in one day but well worth every minute of it!!!

Showed up in GA last Saturday to surprise my son... met his mother half way (my son lives in NC) So when I opened up the car door he looked at me like "that's DADDY!!!" Then he had a look of "what's daddy doing...
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Aww that makes me smile! Well, that it made him so happy to see you, not that he cried when you had to go.
I have two boys 8 and 5, and I can't imagine how you cope.

Glad the secret was worth the wait!!
Picked up my rental car today... I SERIOUSLY LAUGHED AT IT because it's a compact size car - I mean COMPACT!!! It's a FIAT - like the one Jennifer Lopez has in her commercial.. I think that's the one!! lol This thing is a total chick car!!! Oh well... it's what they had left on short notice and plus the gas mileage will be awesome!!!...
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What a great surprise!!!
Yes indeed, it is!!! smile

This is bullshit!!! She'll find bigger and better things rather than this joke of a show.
Morgan Freeman's statement about these random shootings....

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you kn
ow the name of a...
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