Day 2 of not smoking REAL cigarettes. Been smoking these e-cigs but come to find out these cheap-o's don't last as long. May have to order a kit with rechargeable batteries - refills etc.
I can tell I'm getting more irritated - especially at work w/ the b.s. I'm dealing with. But I do NOT want to let stress get the best of me and... Read More
Wish I had advice for you babe, but I've never had to quit. My ex used Chantix and it worked great for him though. Oh, and Dum-dum suckers and Jolly Ranchers
I'm a smoker - booooooooooo!!! But... I've been wanting to quit for the longest time.. especially now that I've been working out again.
I've been hearing a lot about this new electronic cigarette. After having a smoke this morning I felt like, blah!!! So I decided to look up the e-cig online and read into it. There are pro's and con's just like everything else... Read More
I was talking to one of my manager's at work. He's an assistant store manager but will be a store manager very soon. He's going for his interview sometime this week for a store that has an opening. So talking to him about it... he said I really should apply for his position because the pay rate just increased by a substantial amount. When he... Read More
Tonight is MY Friday... it's cold down here in FLORIDA - burrrrrrrrrr! I think some Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey in in order to keep me warm tonight. Who wants to join me?
I did, he had a very professional website and it seamed all pretty standard. I had been called to real castings by him before so I thought, why not? I did tell him that I didn't like doing it without his cam and mic. But well, at the end nothing happend, except a minor waste of time... It's not like I care if people see me naked
WHEW... what an awkward moment talking to my ex-wife... well she's not my EX-wife YET. We've been separated almost 6 years. I got the paperwork all worked up from my aunt's boss/attorney - signed the papers and gave them to her. But she moved and in the process of her moving she lost the paper work.
She's always been on my facebook and we've never... Read More
Thanks - we'll remain FB friends -that's it. I don't have any desires or intentions to hang out with her. Not trying to say that in a mean way. It's just a chapter in my life that has ended and I'm traveling onward
I caught a chill
And it's still frozen on my skin
I think about why
I'm alone, by myself
No one else to explain
How far do I go
No one knows
If the end is so much better why don't we just live forever
Don't tell me I'm the last one in line
Don't tell me I'm too late this time
Just got back from Outback Steakhouse with the family - my mother treated me to a birthday dinner! I'm am soooo stuffed!!! I feel like taking a nap but it's already late. Looks like maybe a drink or two is in order - not really going out or doing anything else tonight - kinda lame - sitting at home on my birthday, lol. Oh well...... Read More