Over the last week Ive been making a birthday card for one of my oldest friends from University.
All wrapped up ready to travel it looked kind of like a surfboard it was that big- i wanted to make sure it didn't get all tore up, more cushion for the pushing. I sent it last week but it hasnt got to her yet, I hope those Johnnysacks at the Post Office arent using it as a make shift table top to play dominos or D&D on. The Postman round here are pretty stand up guys tho so i don't think they would be into any of those shenanigans- although one Postman use to walk in the house and put the mail on the table, bit creepy.
The card is a hand printed wood cut . I felt a bit sad sending it away, bit like sending off a child evacuee during the war with a label pinned to its duffel coat.

i joined up because I've wanted to for ages and i am ill and feeling sorry for myself, anything else you want to know just come and say hello!