I have to say, I'm not a fan of the way this username / alias change is being handled. An email notification would have been nice, or hey, when the helpdesk tells me they've changed my name, they should have done it. & hey, ignoring my posts on the forums is good PR, too.
In any case, I figured out the reason why I was getting an error message when I tried on my own. Yay! It was definitely strange to see my oldold username.
School starts in less than a month & I'm super excited. Now, if I could only get this new manager to stop bitching at me to work unpaid overtime!
In any case, I figured out the reason why I was getting an error message when I tried on my own. Yay! It was definitely strange to see my oldold username.
School starts in less than a month & I'm super excited. Now, if I could only get this new manager to stop bitching at me to work unpaid overtime!
yup i did the same thing it took about five min. of being pissed off till i noticed they changed it.

And here's to you