this is my bike. it's not much but it's mine. it's a 1980 something suzuki GS 550. not a rice rocket, but not a putz either.
this is also my bike not running. and that's a problem see. it's summertime and this is the time that I promised myself that I would be riding my bike. it's a long and sad story about how I was ripped off by a piss poor bike mechanic who didn't know what he was doing and turned a simple problem of a bad ignition module into a bigger problem involving seized brakes (because he stored the bike outside in the rain for months), and bad gas gumming up the carb (again because of the storage), and a stripped started gear (becuase I had to pop start the bike once when it stalled while trying to run the bad gas out and accidently hit the starter switch while popping the bike.) and still after the $1600 or so that I paid said mechanic, my bike still sits in the parking lot.
the very very sad part is that I could probably have it fixed if only I could get the bike to the suzuki shop. however they don't have a pick up service and I don't have a trailer and the bike won't start to allow me to drive it there. and the summer is almost halfway through. what a wirld what a wirld.
if anyone knows of a motorcycle mechanic in the hartford area that has a pick up service, or if anyone has a trailer and would be willing to help me get the bike to the suzuki shop, please contact me. I would be very grateful.
PS.... if you like live music involving Best of the Best bands, 40,000 people, lots of booze, and parties on the open streets of hartford, you should definately definately keep your calander open for the evening of wed aug 3. more to come soon. good news. you'll see....
On that note, sorry to hear about your bike.
i absolutely lOve bikes and would get one if i wasnt a poor student in manhattan
what a rip off that suzuki wouldnt come pick up the bike.
about the boy. yea. ill try again when hes sober but i have no clue when he is