i put on a tanktop today, and i didn't wear a bra...even thougvh i always thought my boobs were a bit too large to go braless, they looked way awesome. haha...oh ya, and the bra says "they're fake!" and has a picture 2 women wispering drawn in comic style...i'll picture it later

i tried to watch the vid but for lack of a better word. it was way too corny...lol
(kinda like that last joke...)
anyway...you recommended cemetary stories to someone... you've read cemetary stories too?
freakin sweet. i love that book...
some sick bastards in the necro section, like the guy who masturbates into that kids heart...
guess life keeps fucking ya even after your dead...lol
anyway...you... braless tanktop...=happiness.
i don't know what to say about it, but I can't stop looking at it.