I can't say this week has been very productive but at least it was eventful. I can't wait until after the 1st and hopefully everything else will be back to normal and I'll actually have money to go out. I've been broke due to helping someone else out with money who needed it more than me so I haven't gone out in a while but...
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staying in Austin instead of going to Cruces-
That's it.

staying in Austin instead of going to Cruces-

That's it.

Did you tell your former future roommate this and is she okay with that?
Damn, I haven't been on here in forever it seems. I've been working my ass off. I can't decide if I should stay here or move to Cruces January 1st. I don't want to leave but...
Haven't been out in ages either and I have a ton of things I have to do but I think I'll make it a point to actually do something...
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Why move if you want to stay in austin, just go for a visit during the hollidays?!?! That out of the question?
Oh hey do you mean this weekend like today or this weekend like the 18th?
[Edited on Dec 12, 2004 3:55PM]
Oh hey do you mean this weekend like today or this weekend like the 18th?
[Edited on Dec 12, 2004 3:55PM]

Work work work. I'm going out tonight. I want to get lit. Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? I went to What A Burger.
It was okay. I'm not complianing. I had a bad ass week other than the internet going down over here on and off causing piss frustration but all in all a good week. Have a good one.

Lets see. Tomorrow I sign up for Body Combat Class in hopes to sculpt muscles I should've had a long time ago amongst other things. Tomorrow I get tattoo'd. Tonight I'm hoping to go to Beerland and Cucaracha's but I'll have to wait and see. I need a drinking partner for this evening...drinks included... 

If i was in town I'd go with you, cucarachas is my favorite place on sixth, ever since the black cat burned down
hope you find someone to go with you.

Hope you have a Great Thanksgiving!!
Need to check my e mail but for some reason hotmail won't connect.
May be going to Flametrick Subs Wednesday at Beerland and hopefully can get some people to come along. Will definitely being going out Saturday too though I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe even like a date. Ha ha ha....sure. This week's plan includes trying to trade my car in for something...
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Thank you! And I will so be there tonight... poke my fat ass if you see me there k?

Hey, how 'bout some fuckin' pitchers of you, huh? Okay.
I love how it's cold and how it looks outside, so pretty. I seriously need to buy a digital camera so I can load pictures on here. I think this week I'm going to buy a playstation 2 but I don't know if I should. I'm supposed to be moving to Las Cruces January 2nd but I wish I could stay here.....

Welcome to Seduction!
I've had some great teachers in the area, so I felt obligated to work with others to further the field. Plus, I learn more about something when I discuss it in an open forum.
Feel free to pass on the word to anyone who you think would enjoy the group, but I want problem-solvers, not whiners. Sometimes other relationship-oriented forums degrade to "why does no one like me", "nice guys/girls finish last, so I have to be a jerk/bitch to get women/men" rants, and I don't want that.
I've had some great teachers in the area, so I felt obligated to work with others to further the field. Plus, I learn more about something when I discuss it in an open forum.
Feel free to pass on the word to anyone who you think would enjoy the group, but I want problem-solvers, not whiners. Sometimes other relationship-oriented forums degrade to "why does no one like me", "nice guys/girls finish last, so I have to be a jerk/bitch to get women/men" rants, and I don't want that.
I've been working my ass off but that gives me Saturday and sundays off
and more money.
I'm much overdue for a night out but I don't know if I will happen to acctually go anywhere tonight. So it looks like i'm moving to Cruces in January. I still want to go to Seattle sometime next year. I'm in the traveling mood because I really...
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I'm much overdue for a night out but I don't know if I will happen to acctually go anywhere tonight. So it looks like i'm moving to Cruces in January. I still want to go to Seattle sometime next year. I'm in the traveling mood because I really...
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Oh yes! So looks like I'm staying in EL Paso for a week towards the end of December to look for an apartment in Las Cruces that I'm going to move into with my best friend for 6 months then we're moving to California.
So damn happy. My tattoo is in the process of healing after not looking to pretty and I'm going in on...
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So damn happy. My tattoo is in the process of healing after not looking to pretty and I'm going in on...
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Congrats for your new tatoo, cute.
Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving... RuN NAkEd YES!
Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving... RuN NAkEd YES!

Today I am off to get a Jamba Juice (kiwi berry-yum...)
Then to go eat breakfast somewhere with my mom and then to Waterloo Records and Buffalo Exchange to find some black jeans. Then to Best Buy to buy Blue Velvet, Terror Firmer, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Mary Shelly (kelly's?) Frankenstein, 12 Monkeys, and Snatch. There are very good plans in the making that shall...
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Then to go eat breakfast somewhere with my mom and then to Waterloo Records and Buffalo Exchange to find some black jeans. Then to Best Buy to buy Blue Velvet, Terror Firmer, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Mary Shelly (kelly's?) Frankenstein, 12 Monkeys, and Snatch. There are very good plans in the making that shall...
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Did you make it downtown on Saturday? There was a really good show at Red Eyed Fly. Man, that's quite a shopping spree you're going on. Frankenstein is out of print now. The original, right? For some reason, all of those original Universal monster movies are out of print. I got a used copy of Frankenstein last year. Well, have a great week.