I really suck at this blog thing. But I have some sort of an excuse, because I wanna post pictures, but I don't have a camera, so I use my mobile phone's, which is not that good.
See for yourselves:

See? The pic above is from a trip of mine to Zante, during last week. That one is not from the island exactly, but from Kilini where I took the Ferry to go there.
Zante is great. Way more spacious and neat than Corfu. The women were gorgeous! I'm definately going back. They gave me stuff for free! You know, a soda or a sandwitch, the salesgirls were so nice to me. This little greek boy feels so grateful.
I went swimming to a great place with an even greater cafeteria/bar. Check out the facilities:

It looked exactly like a place I saw in Fable: The lost chapters, but I'm gonna stop the game geekiness right here.
All in all I had a blast. Too bad that I had to return to work on Monday. And things got worse when the fire in Parnitha broke out later, but for that check out the previous entry.
Later that Friday I was off to Athens where my mates had an actual camera and I managed to get a few decent shots of my hick mug. I'm still waiting for the pics to get emailed, though. Come on George! Oh well, I'm gonna post them next time (hopefuly). Until then I'll clock Dark Messiah just because it took me 9 hours to install it.
Pray for me. Or at least have a drink to my health!
See for yourselves:

See? The pic above is from a trip of mine to Zante, during last week. That one is not from the island exactly, but from Kilini where I took the Ferry to go there.
Zante is great. Way more spacious and neat than Corfu. The women were gorgeous! I'm definately going back. They gave me stuff for free! You know, a soda or a sandwitch, the salesgirls were so nice to me. This little greek boy feels so grateful.
I went swimming to a great place with an even greater cafeteria/bar. Check out the facilities:

It looked exactly like a place I saw in Fable: The lost chapters, but I'm gonna stop the game geekiness right here.
All in all I had a blast. Too bad that I had to return to work on Monday. And things got worse when the fire in Parnitha broke out later, but for that check out the previous entry.
Later that Friday I was off to Athens where my mates had an actual camera and I managed to get a few decent shots of my hick mug. I'm still waiting for the pics to get emailed, though. Come on George! Oh well, I'm gonna post them next time (hopefuly). Until then I'll clock Dark Messiah just because it took me 9 hours to install it.
Pray for me. Or at least have a drink to my health!
as long as you send me a copy...

back at ya hon...