Testies, 1, 2, testies.....
Hello! To whoever might be reading this. It took me some time but right now, at this very moment(!), I am placing my magnificent deriere in front of my PC and attempting to write a proper blog. Hah!
Should I introduce myself? Can't you already figure out a bit about my person by having a look at my profile? You haven't yet? Go on! Take a look, I won't bite - not unless you beg me too.
Well, am I a geek? I must be some sort of a geek; afterall I did sign up to SG. I don't really get along too well with geeks, though. Not that I don't try. I do, I do, but there are times when I choose not to go too much into geekiness: I find it... too... pretentious? Make believe? For example I consider Star Wars the greatest movie ever, but I don't wanna buy all the toy line(s). The video games are another thing... But in general some more hardcore geeks might look down on my choice for the light side of the force.
I am a gamer and I will probably be one for years to come. I remeber when I was little, my dad would take me out with him. He would drink with his pals, and I would get stuck in the arcade spending his hard earned cash. Ah memories. Now I have to use my own mullah to suport my addiction. Again, I won't spend too much of my time in front of a screen. I don't need to buy every Residen't Evil that ever came out for every console. I don't even like Res. Evil. I'm an Alone in the Dark person. I adore 3d point and click adventures and I give thanks to God everyday for creating abandonware sites.
Comics have been a part of my life for as long I can remember. I don't discriminate comics, I read everything as long as it has a begining, a middle, and an end. I even read girl's comics, hah! But I don't agree with fandom that much - starting to see a patern here? The silver age of comics: I don't even regard it as the tin age of the medium; don't get me started, I will elaborate on my views in future entries.
Music: I'm a rocker and quite annoyed that SG doesn't cover this category. Rock, metal, prog, some punk, blues, jazz, soul, are all around my corner. I hate the music press, period.
I'm also into martial arts and some yoga, and babe, you don't want me to start talking about that right now. We are talking about my life story, turning points of self realisation, the works! I'm only gonna say that the world is not how they (try to) present it to us. Sometimes fantasy is deeply rooted to reality.
Art is something I cherrish and it's as simple as that. I am a bit of an artist (not my profession), a draw a little bit of this a little bit of that. I plan on posting some stuff, just give me some time.
I'm Greek (Hellenic) and proud of it. And that's why I hate "My big fat Greek wedding". Don't even try to talk me otherwise.
I adore women. I'm deeply into them. And it's one of the reasons why I'm blogging on SG right now. A lot of times not in a sexual way. There is something about the female form, the curves, even when there are none. But again, I don't go too much out of my way for them. I'm not sure if they are worth the trouble. Ok, I could be wrong, but try to prove me otherwise. Can you?
Are women worth the trouble? The pain, the heartache? Because men have feelings too. All i am saying is: it's not always about the boobies.
Bah! Too much crazy talk. I will retire to my den now and contemplate about my day (friday) of labour tomorow.
Be good, dear reader. Or, at least, try to be.
ArtHic out.
Hello! To whoever might be reading this. It took me some time but right now, at this very moment(!), I am placing my magnificent deriere in front of my PC and attempting to write a proper blog. Hah!
Should I introduce myself? Can't you already figure out a bit about my person by having a look at my profile? You haven't yet? Go on! Take a look, I won't bite - not unless you beg me too.
Well, am I a geek? I must be some sort of a geek; afterall I did sign up to SG. I don't really get along too well with geeks, though. Not that I don't try. I do, I do, but there are times when I choose not to go too much into geekiness: I find it... too... pretentious? Make believe? For example I consider Star Wars the greatest movie ever, but I don't wanna buy all the toy line(s). The video games are another thing... But in general some more hardcore geeks might look down on my choice for the light side of the force.
I am a gamer and I will probably be one for years to come. I remeber when I was little, my dad would take me out with him. He would drink with his pals, and I would get stuck in the arcade spending his hard earned cash. Ah memories. Now I have to use my own mullah to suport my addiction. Again, I won't spend too much of my time in front of a screen. I don't need to buy every Residen't Evil that ever came out for every console. I don't even like Res. Evil. I'm an Alone in the Dark person. I adore 3d point and click adventures and I give thanks to God everyday for creating abandonware sites.
Comics have been a part of my life for as long I can remember. I don't discriminate comics, I read everything as long as it has a begining, a middle, and an end. I even read girl's comics, hah! But I don't agree with fandom that much - starting to see a patern here? The silver age of comics: I don't even regard it as the tin age of the medium; don't get me started, I will elaborate on my views in future entries.
Music: I'm a rocker and quite annoyed that SG doesn't cover this category. Rock, metal, prog, some punk, blues, jazz, soul, are all around my corner. I hate the music press, period.
I'm also into martial arts and some yoga, and babe, you don't want me to start talking about that right now. We are talking about my life story, turning points of self realisation, the works! I'm only gonna say that the world is not how they (try to) present it to us. Sometimes fantasy is deeply rooted to reality.
Art is something I cherrish and it's as simple as that. I am a bit of an artist (not my profession), a draw a little bit of this a little bit of that. I plan on posting some stuff, just give me some time.
I'm Greek (Hellenic) and proud of it. And that's why I hate "My big fat Greek wedding". Don't even try to talk me otherwise.
I adore women. I'm deeply into them. And it's one of the reasons why I'm blogging on SG right now. A lot of times not in a sexual way. There is something about the female form, the curves, even when there are none. But again, I don't go too much out of my way for them. I'm not sure if they are worth the trouble. Ok, I could be wrong, but try to prove me otherwise. Can you?
Are women worth the trouble? The pain, the heartache? Because men have feelings too. All i am saying is: it's not always about the boobies.
Bah! Too much crazy talk. I will retire to my den now and contemplate about my day (friday) of labour tomorow.
Be good, dear reader. Or, at least, try to be.
ArtHic out.
haha, no, tai chi isn't lame..it's just too slow-paced for my attention span, haha.

Aw shucks. Well I'm glad.