Chopping fruit for the salad is a good way to think. I am happy to see my family and feel very domestic at this point. Still thoughts of tattooed girls fill my mind, maybe saturday I'll go to the devils point since I only live 20 blocks from it. Everybody have a nice holiday today. Eat, drink and enjoy the company of whoever you are...
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i want turkey
I like your cock..... at least that one that you painted... i can tell you have skills, that's always refreshing....thank you for the sweet comments....i think you're cute too
Uneasiness is a part of my holidays. I am a little freaked out about so much close contact with my immediate family. They are completely unaware of my state of mind right now. My only joys in life are the objects of my desire, being women and hope of being the object of someones love. Sorry to be so down but a couple months ago...
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Sad. A couple of months seems as though it should be sufficient time to pull yourself together. No matter what happened, the world has apparently kept on turning and the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. This may sound lame, or insensitive, but you should embrace the time that you have with your family as a way to bring you out of your gloom. There have been times when I've been in a bad place emotionally and my family has helped me just by being there and keeping me grounded, without even knowing how bad things were for me. I suppose it's just comforting to me to know that there's something/someone who's constant in my life. You seem as though you know what you SHOULD be doing, yet you're reluctant to actually do it. Hey, knock it off. Just do it.
You're right. We don't always want what is truly best for us. As kids, most of us didn't want our hair brushed or to take medicine when sick. I will go eat turkey and maybe tell my brother whats going on in here. Your input is only reinforcing what is true. I hope you have a great thanksgiving and hope to see you at one of the events sometime. Off the subject I can only smile when I see your beautiful smile on my friends board. Sleep well.
The holidays are coming. I'm not ready for being inundated by all the commercials and goofy ass christmas muzak. I'm no scrooge, but some things just drive me up the wall.
Misfit always and fun is the true reason I keep trying. I am happy to hear from the others like me. Being alone in your state of mind is not a happy place. Maybe...
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Misfit always and fun is the true reason I keep trying. I am happy to hear from the others like me. Being alone in your state of mind is not a happy place. Maybe...
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Cyber attention is better than none at all.
My workplace is about as disfuntional as it gets. Negative attitude fills our shop like a thick fog. Only my daydreams shine light into my existence there. Such is the life of us wage slaves.
Am I the only person whom encounters the problem of only attracting the wrong people (women) and not being even seen by...
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My workplace is about as disfuntional as it gets. Negative attitude fills our shop like a thick fog. Only my daydreams shine light into my existence there. Such is the life of us wage slaves.
Am I the only person whom encounters the problem of only attracting the wrong people (women) and not being even seen by...
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sad. I hope that you're not right about true satisfaction being only an illusion, maintained to drive us on towards perfection. I like to think that I'm satisfied with my life. Of course there are crappy things that happen, but I wouldn't want it to be perfect. My glass may not be overflowing, but at least it's half-full. You are definetly not the only person around who has the problem of attracting only the wrong people. I think that our problem lies in keeping our adorations secret from their recipients. It is alot easier to go on believing that the people I adore would adore me back, if they only knew, than to tell them and risk the opposite. mer. now i'm a little bit sad.
Cyber attention is better than none at all.
My workplace is about as disfuntional as it gets. Negative attitude fills our shop like a thick fog. Only my daydreams shine light into my existence there. Such is the life of us wage slaves.
Am I the only person whom encounters the problem of only attracting the wrong people (women) and not being even seen by...
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My workplace is about as disfuntional as it gets. Negative attitude fills our shop like a thick fog. Only my daydreams shine light into my existence there. Such is the life of us wage slaves.
Am I the only person whom encounters the problem of only attracting the wrong people (women) and not being even seen by...
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Finally conquered the damn photo thing. If your camera is a good one the data will hinder your upload. Still riding bikes and lusting after the freaky mommas on Hawthorne. As a social misfit I don't usually talk to people whom I don't know. Rejection fear plunges me into a self imposed island of noncomunicado. Maybe I will be able to overcome this someday. Till...
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the real show was last night when i was feeling lonely at sought attention by possting a picture of myself sans clothing (though everything was mostly covered). it worked for a little cyber-attention and then i took it down. i don't usually talk to people i fon't know either.