Back again. I'm feeling as if my tastes are changing. I am seeing a trend in the women I meet. Most are seeking bondage and rough treatment. At first this was a bit alien but as of recent it is growing in its appeal. Control is an intoxicating thing as is physical domination. At least for us guys. Considering these are activities condoned by both...
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*waves hi*

oh jeez. you are a cutie.
Just had some torturous dental work done. All my tattoos could not shine a light to the crazy pain I had today.
Sorry for my abscence but the holidays were trying. I seems every woman I meet has an unlivable problem. Maybe I will be single the rest of my life. It's not real appealing and the dating game sucks. Sorry to be so negative...
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Sorry for my abscence but the holidays were trying. I seems every woman I meet has an unlivable problem. Maybe I will be single the rest of my life. It's not real appealing and the dating game sucks. Sorry to be so negative...
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I love it when crows turn blue, I love it when mallards have that cool oil-slick green on their heads. You are right though, most women do have at least one huge problem. The solution is, to find that one problem, that is livable, sounds tough huh.
You are wonderful. Please remain so. I wish you all the best and value you as a friend.

Never I mean never date a banker girl! She was so sqaure her undies were ironed in creases and I'm sure there were safety pins securing them to her chastity belt if she had one. Never got that far. Didn't really want too. Ever see business talk as something to stoke the romance fires? Not I, Art Books of just plain profanity does better. Keep...
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Happy day of birth!
Where did you go?
Wild life is a bit hard sometimes. Little sleep couled with long hours at work have me feeling a bit rough around the edges. Not long till summer! Well not that long

Still feeling the after glow of wild rough sex. Not always what's available, but my favorite item on the list. Square girls don't really do it right. To scared or otherwise timid to let the freak loose. It's good to know the world is full of folks like us.

Today was particularly hard at work. Much heavy lifting, profanity and freezing cold. So it is for the wage slaves.
That is one of the reasons college is so appealing to me. It is a light at the end of this industrial nightmare. If I wasn't able to build bikes in my off hours, it wouldn't be worth it. But free sandblasting, and powdercoating are...
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That is one of the reasons college is so appealing to me. It is a light at the end of this industrial nightmare. If I wasn't able to build bikes in my off hours, it wouldn't be worth it. But free sandblasting, and powdercoating are...
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1) look in "Girls"
2) open the "Archives" category
3) go to "Nestor"
4) Look at "Bicycle"!
1) look in "Girls"
2) open the "Archives" category
3) go to "Nestor"
4) Look at "Bicycle"!
Email from cute girl just made my night. Is sex on a bicycle possible? Do other people find the smell of oil or gasoline almost intoxicating in its own odd way? Maybe its the connection it has in my mind to bikes, hot rods and the like.
Maybe she'll want to ride next sunday. I'm game.
Maybe she'll want to ride next sunday. I'm game.

I find the smell of gas to be noxious. I once dated a guy who worked at a gas station, but I couldn't stand the way that he smelled when he came back from work. Sex on a bicycle is possible, but not pleasant, or preferable. Good luck with the cute girl!
What about the smell of exploding tires?
Home on Saturday night. Last night went on an internet date that was right out of the twilight zone. The ultra liberal, explain why you don't want to talk politics, ignore my bizarre hand gestures, and how dare you try to hold my hand girl, was more than I could take.
I am always a gentleman when it comes to politeness, holding doors, etc... It's...
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I am always a gentleman when it comes to politeness, holding doors, etc... It's...
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I'm not one for candlelit dinners, even if it's the millionth date. PDA's on a first date's a plus, though. Atleast in my humble opinion.

I think I saw you walking down Hawthorne the other day.
You said internet date- I have to confess much effort and little outcome has been my experience with that, but your results may vary...
for me, there's no comparison to the first five seconds in-person-impression of someone. All the conversing before that is futile until that moment has been survived.
My big warning sign is: a woman is twisting your arm to talk politics?
Good luck on your next one. Even if it sucks, it's a valuable lesson in people skills.
You said internet date- I have to confess much effort and little outcome has been my experience with that, but your results may vary...
for me, there's no comparison to the first five seconds in-person-impression of someone. All the conversing before that is futile until that moment has been survived.
My big warning sign is: a woman is twisting your arm to talk politics?
Good luck on your next one. Even if it sucks, it's a valuable lesson in people skills.
It is going to be nice to return to work. As crazy as it may sound, in my work I feel purpose and a sense of accomplishment. I was told as a kid to 'get in where you fit in' and for now I have found my comfort zone in my present job.
I just finished my financial aid stuff so that I can enroll...
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I just finished my financial aid stuff so that I can enroll...
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"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night..."
And a howlin' "how 'do?" to you.
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night..."
And a howlin' "how 'do?" to you.

I don't have a digital camera, so I haven't gotten into the picture-takin' groove yet. sorry. "The Machinist" was ok, but nothing to write home about. I'd give it a B, so a little bit above average. Good luck with art school!
Heard other people talking of their lonliness tonight over coffee at one of my haunts. It was kind of a relief to find out others have the same fears of being alone in the world. I'm not afraid of much else, but lonliness is the monster under my bed. You know they only come out late, when you are trying to sleep all by yourself....
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Wow, same way I feel right now. Craptastic.
bodyless head
Chopping fruit for the salad is a good way to think. I am happy to see my family and feel very domestic at this point. Still thoughts of tattooed girls fill my mind, maybe saturday I'll go to the devils point since I only live 20 blocks from it. Everybody have a nice holiday today. Eat, drink and enjoy the company of whoever you are...
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i want turkey
I like your cock..... at least that one that you painted... i can tell you have skills, that's always refreshing....thank you for the sweet comments....i think you're cute too