hello hello everyone, break is over. i am back. just got back from bellydancing. goodness i love it. this semester is going to be superb. it's going to be horribly busy but really fun. i have a new roommate, she's a little creepy. i had to tell her what a blow job was...........??? she comes from a strict mormon family......*shrugs*, she's in for some fun times living with me.
i'm heading on a new adventure. my new money maker........designing tattoos......i just need a little money......and i don't think i want to work hard enough to be an SG. i couldn't deal with being rejected......i'd have to fly out to california and show them what they're missing.

bellydancing is the most wonderful thing ever. i've been dancing like a mad woman since the day i was born and i'd have to say....bellydancing is probably my fav. form of dancing. my focus is painting with minor photog/drawing.