Is it just me that finds those 'drink stirrers' - you know, the sticks, be they glass or plastic - more than a little bit inadequate? I mean, if you want your drink stirred, should you use something that has a bit more surface area, like, um, a *spoon*?
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Monday Jun 06, 2011
06.06.1944 ~ "We will accept nothing less than full victory." A monum… -
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Just back from the Whisky Cruise Boston - wow! So many good scotches… -
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Happy hump day everyone! By that I mean the middle of the week; yo… -
Friday Apr 29, 2011
Hey everyone - enjoy the weekend - keep on being you - you are beauti… -
Sunday Mar 27, 2011
quiz time - what's the best body part for sex? -
Friday Mar 18, 2011
Happy Friday everyone! Get your party on! -
Monday Mar 14, 2011
I've been fucking glued to the news from Japan. Unbelievable stuff h… -
Friday Feb 18, 2011
when I left, I joined the Army. I took a psych profile and I had a c… -
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
OK, I've heard from a couple of people that I should go Nike and 'jus… -
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Getting my geek on tonight - watching 'What the Ancients Knew'. I've…