Have you ever woken up with no memory of the previous day. I hate that.
I have no clue what I did yesterday except for some fragments here and there. My computer was still going so I checked the history and found I was on chat and AIM last night, no idea what I said. If I offended anyone I'm sorry. For all I know I could have just proposed marriage or put someone in my will.
If I said something really offensive or hurtful I'm sorry, but don't take it seriously. It was the rantings of someone on too much pain meds.
I have no clue what I did yesterday except for some fragments here and there. My computer was still going so I checked the history and found I was on chat and AIM last night, no idea what I said. If I offended anyone I'm sorry. For all I know I could have just proposed marriage or put someone in my will.
If I said something really offensive or hurtful I'm sorry, but don't take it seriously. It was the rantings of someone on too much pain meds.
Nope. But I thought I'd slip it in since it was convenient
. Also I prolly won't be at camping this year :'(

Boss going to Vegas. I'll try to be there for the weekend though.