And we all also know what it looks like. Right?
Well not anymore baby.
This is what the doc says I should wear all the time.
However, since I have to be as irritating as possible I made my own, with the "power button" gag, incidently I'm thinking of that as a tattoo.
Version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 look pretty mch the same.
The only reason there are so many is because they got ripped apart at work. It was only double sided velcro afterall.
Well obviously I needed something that would wear a bit better. So here comes Version 2.1
Joany, the girl that made it, seems to be able to predict what her customers want, cause I forgot to ask to dye it black, so when I remembered she said she already did cause I looked like I would want it black ( am I that predictable? ). She also did the engraving, which is very cool
Now, Joany thought she could do better, so now comes Version 3.1
That's pretty slick. And now the magnet is in a sort of pocket, so it can't come off the band, so there is no way I can lose it, which is good for me cause I do that alot.
Now that the coolness is out of the way, Dr Who says suffer
The theme
The Trance Remix
and can I get a little Death Metal remix?
Oh I think I can.
Obviously the Anonymous Poet hasn't gotten either drunk enough, or stoned enough to finish that poem, but when they do, I will post it just to humiliate them as much as possible.