Prepare for, the good, the bad, and the wierd
If you don't know, there is a implant I have that helps regulate brainwave activity to control my seizures, with that bit of info,
The good: the siezure activity in my broken brain seems to be getting better
The bad : that means they are gonna mess with the setting again which means the side effects of it will get worse.
The wierd: the side affects might go away, might get worse, might get better... or might do something completly unexpected. quote from my doctor.
Dr Who
The good: Billie Piper returns, I liked her best of all the companions
The bad: The Doctor gets shot by a Dalek
The Wierd: The Doctor dies, but doesn't die.... wha?
and I don't mean he regenrates.
The good: I made it to work on time.
The bad: I'm at work
The wierd: I left 10minutes late from my house, got to work 15 minutes early.
Explain that.
That's it for now. I think.
Here, have a song or two
If you don't know, there is a implant I have that helps regulate brainwave activity to control my seizures, with that bit of info,
The good: the siezure activity in my broken brain seems to be getting better
The bad : that means they are gonna mess with the setting again which means the side effects of it will get worse.
The wierd: the side affects might go away, might get worse, might get better... or might do something completly unexpected. quote from my doctor.
Dr Who
The good: Billie Piper returns, I liked her best of all the companions
The bad: The Doctor gets shot by a Dalek
The Wierd: The Doctor dies, but doesn't die.... wha?
and I don't mean he regenrates.
The good: I made it to work on time.
The bad: I'm at work
The wierd: I left 10minutes late from my house, got to work 15 minutes early.
Explain that.
That's it for now. I think.
Here, have a song or two
Possible explanation for leaving for work late but getting in early - I've found that when I left work 10 minutes late there was a lot less traffic so I would get home at around the same time as if I had left work on time...
i know...ruby tuesdays is poop, especially when it comes to alcohol.