I recently made the observation that some of the songs I like, I like because of parts of it, not the whole song. Eventually I start to like the whole thing, but I think it's weird. Of course I'm not so normal as everyone who knows me will agree.
I figured that out with this song, ( sorry but I could only find this song on an AMV )
I'm jumping around the whole of SG and found some things and stuff.
Now for things and stuff. My favorite SG Fatality shot a double set with Salome and it was rejected. Whoever decided that needs their head examined, cause it's more screwed than mine. So go here and leave a comment. NOW!!
Everyone should go show Mercie some love and also Kade ,who I have never talked to at all but her video is really cool, is feeling down, so leave a pleasent comment there. And this pretty much sums me up Pon and Zi
Other stuff later.
For my last thing, I will share one of my greatest fears. looking at a refrigerator covered post its and on each one is written people's actual opinions of me. That's some scary shit.
Before I forget, Soren asked if I was a cyborg because I have a pulse generator in my chest, to answer that, I wasn't really one before, but with the upgrade I'm ready to kick some ass
It is finally getting warm, and the warm weather can only mean one thing.
I figured that out with this song, ( sorry but I could only find this song on an AMV )
I'm jumping around the whole of SG and found some things and stuff.
Now for things and stuff. My favorite SG Fatality shot a double set with Salome and it was rejected. Whoever decided that needs their head examined, cause it's more screwed than mine. So go here and leave a comment. NOW!!
Everyone should go show Mercie some love and also Kade ,who I have never talked to at all but her video is really cool, is feeling down, so leave a pleasent comment there. And this pretty much sums me up Pon and Zi
Other stuff later.
For my last thing, I will share one of my greatest fears. looking at a refrigerator covered post its and on each one is written people's actual opinions of me. That's some scary shit.
Before I forget, Soren asked if I was a cyborg because I have a pulse generator in my chest, to answer that, I wasn't really one before, but with the upgrade I'm ready to kick some ass
It is finally getting warm, and the warm weather can only mean one thing.