Dude. I just had a surprise birthday party. I've always wanted a surprise birthday party. I am completely, and utterly floored. Thank you thank you thank you to trinkit and babygiantsquid ohmiggod I love you cherrybomb00 & rojo for coming, and special heartfelt thankyous and love to mandala to hosting it at his abode and keeping it all secret and helping to plan it.
Secret super gratitude to a certain non-member who shall remain nameless.
Seriously, I'm completely taken aback. That was the most amazing thing anyone's ever done for me.
Secret super gratitude to a certain non-member who shall remain nameless.
Seriously, I'm completely taken aback. That was the most amazing thing anyone's ever done for me.

Wishing You & Yours All The Best This Holiday Season,
& Here's To A Healthy & Prosperous Year In 2005!
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*