I wanna be a rock star.
I have a great horoscope this week:
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may find this hard to believe, but it's
very important for you to decide what actor or actress you'd choose to
play you in the hypothetical movie based on your life. For me, it's
obviously Viggo Mortensen, though if he weren't available I'd probably
accept Robin Williams or Snoop Dogg. But then I can afford to indulge in
the luxury of indecision about this matter, whereas you really can't. For
reasons you can't imagine -- reasons that have to do with you taking your
life's work more seriously than ever before -- you must expand and
deepen the mythic intensity of your life story.
I have a great horoscope this week:
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may find this hard to believe, but it's
very important for you to decide what actor or actress you'd choose to
play you in the hypothetical movie based on your life. For me, it's
obviously Viggo Mortensen, though if he weren't available I'd probably
accept Robin Williams or Snoop Dogg. But then I can afford to indulge in
the luxury of indecision about this matter, whereas you really can't. For
reasons you can't imagine -- reasons that have to do with you taking your
life's work more seriously than ever before -- you must expand and
deepen the mythic intensity of your life story.
sorry for being a bad influence. i hope you feel ok today. thanks for planning last night. i had a blast.

hey chica, when can i be approved for the naked group? i wanna talk about nakedness!!! and i want julia stiles or keira kknightley to play me!