One of the interesting things about being at APE, is that several people recognized me from comicon, and stopped me. I feel like a mini celebrity. Someone even drew me!
I'm still in SF! Want to entertain me? *makes lonely chirping noises, and swears she's non-threatening*
I am in SF, at APE, staying in a lovely hostel off Broadway. My comic book never went to press, because of a minor oversight of it being about 10 pages too short to make minimum page requirements for the particular press I was going to go through. I printed 5 complete books, at a whopping FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH. So for each of you who want one now, you're welcome to buy them at cost.

Or... I am looking into other self-publishing options, which may pan out something soon. And it will be cheaper.

I've met several SGers, and even saw a couple that I didn't recognize--oops, Olivia. (I know, I'm a dork.)
When will you have copies of your comic, if you don't mind me asking?